Vocational ministers frequently give care to others.

Agape Care Christian Counseling Training video series is available through Global University for missionaries, pastors, and counselors.

Registration is available for individuals or teams.

The Agape Care counseling model is based on the healing power of God's love. Concepts, principles, integration, and methodology are presented from the perspective of God's agape love. This approach is both biblically valid and psychologically sound, and promotes renewal, healing, wholeness, and growth in the care receiver. Other aspects covered in the training are self-care of the Christian counselor and life skills on how to deal with burnout, grief, unhealthy stress, depression, and others.

The Agape Care model of caregiving has been used effectively to minister to thousands of people who are hurting!

AgapeHope provides this video training through Global University. In this series of nine foundational videos based on the Global University textbook Christian Counseling by Dr. Jack Rozell, Dr. Rozell and the AgapeHope team offer their experience and insight to help you become a better counselor.

  1. The Approach: Agape Therapy
  2. Overview/ Personhood Circle Models
  3. The Object: Man
  4. The Role of the Conscience
  5. Agape and the Goals of Christian Counseling
  6. Agape Lifestyle
  7. Effective Communication
  8. Counseling Process
  9. Life Skills in Counseling
  10. Bonus Session on Self-Care

Cost: Suggested donation of $100 

Donate Today

Step 1

Create an Account

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Create Account
Click “Create Account” to create an account with Asia Pacific Missions hosting the course.

Email Confirmation
You will receive an account confirmation email from Asia Pacific Missions with a temporary password to log-in.

Create Your Password
You may change the temporary password to one of your choosing.

Step 2

Register for Course

Registration Request
Submit the request form to register.

Enrollment Email
You will receive an enrollment email from AgapeHope notifying you of access to the course. Log in to begin.

You will also receive a free digital textbook with the option to order a hard copy at cost.

$100 suggested donation

Step 3

Log into Course

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2-Step Verification
This course uses 2-step verification. An access code can be sent to the cell phone or email you entered to create the account.

Best way to receive the code: Within US: Cell phone

Outside US: Email

Can’t Receive US Texts: Email

Sometimes email can take longer than 15 minutes for the code to arrive in your inbox. If you don’t receive it after this time, check your junk or spam folder. If needed, request another verification until it comes.